1999-2000 Ministry & Liturgy
Visual Arts Awards

The Ministry & Liturgy Visual Arts Awards entries are rated by an independent panel of three expert judges on both their artistic and liturgical merits. Five entries received the BENE, and ten were named honorable mention. This years winners are featured in the September issue of Ministry & Liturgy.
Renovata Studios winners are featured on this page.


St. Michaels Church, NYC, Msgr. Marc J. Filacchione, Pastor
Designed by Lawrence R. Hoy, Renovata Studios Inc.
The Altar of Bethel white granite and crystal displays classical forms of columns and arches which
reflect the existing church interior. The keystone of each arch contains a crystal covered permanent
repository for the church's relics

Honorable Mention

Blessed Sacrament Chapel
St. Gerard Majella Church, Hollis, NY, Msgr. James F. Spengler, Pastor
Designer by Lawrence R. Hoy, Renovata Studios Inc.
Cherry and oak wood, Bethel white granite, bronze, linen and gilded wood.
The tabernacle throne is visually and symbolically connected to the altar. The scale
and sculptural forms designate a place in the church for peaceful contemplation and reservation.

Honorable Mention

St. Gerard Majella Church, Hollis, NY, Msgr. James F. Spengler, Pastor
Designer by Lawrence R. Hoy, Renovata Studios Inc.
Cherry wood and Bethel white granite.
The architectural scale of the columns supports an intentionally massive mensa
combining the themes of table and tomb as altar.

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copyright Renovata Studios Inc. 2005